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The Making of Michelangelo

Writer's picture: Christy MerryChristy Merry

Updated: Nov 27, 2021

In the arrested momentum of lockdown life, I have neglected this blog and website. But some big things HAVE happened. For instance, during this COVID pandemic time, Tommy and I recorded our 2nd original song – Michelangelo – and were able to have it included on a great compilation album, Quarantine Dream, that raised funds for our dear friend Jessa Roquet, who is (in a battle with? fighting? struggling with?) living triumphantly with stage 4 liver cancer, which was diagnosed around the beginning of all the COVID craziness. Tommy knew her since camp when he was young, and I've just known her in recent years since he introduced us. She and I bonded over music and faith, and Tommy & I were able to encourage her to record and see her do some projects with two of our best producer-friends, Knol Tate and Matt Patrick.

That's BIG. And I know it's a big thing, as a person who has wanted to do something like that for 20 years with my own work and not having done so. So, seeing her – in the midst of a really difficult personal time in her life – persevere through and make 2 beautiful musical projects - the Gambler's Daughter E.P. and full-length album Serotinous Skin, not to mention her New Year Be Kind single (one of my favorites), the Indigo Blue music video, and even being in the car with her the first time she heard a song of hers play on The Current (radio for you non-locals) - well it's inspiring to say the least.

She was part of a Summer Songwriting Challenge Facebook group. I can't remember if she introduced me to it or the other way around, but I suspect the former? They gave us prompts and we would post little videos. I lasted all of, oh, 2 weeks? But one of those songs, for which I made a tiny video, was based on the prompt, "chisel". And that video was recorded in June of 2016. Tommy and I just happened to have gotten around to fleshing it out and recording it at the end of March 2020. March 2020 was also when Jessa found out about her cancer. Then Ryan Rud – pretty early in there, had come up with the idea of a compilation album and having folks collaborate to help Jessa out. It just so happened at the time, that the only song I had which had been fleshed out, recorded, and not yet posted publicly at the time he asked for songs, was one written in a group Jessa was in, four years prior, so that is what we contributed. It seems a little freakily coincidental now that I think about it.

And like the rock in this song, Jessa's experiencing weight literally being carved away from her. The forces being exerted upon her are showcasing the beauty she has inside, and the beauty in her community coming around her – not in a way any of us would have chosen for her, and we'd all take this experience away from her in a minute if we could - but in a way that is cutting deeply and revealing. She is strong, and sometimes weak counting on her community to be strong (which is a true strength in itself if you realize it – none of us can be strong ourselves always). And this album that Ryan helped put together, and so many other people worked on, contributed to – that's got beauty written all over it too. I usually don't love compilations (let's be honest here, sometimes they are where mediocrity goes to die and you're not always sure what you're getting into), but there is some pretty amazing work in this album - I feel like I'm always again pleasantly surprised when I listen to it - like, how is it this good?! Check it out if you'd like. And if you'd like to know how to help out Jessa, here's her CaringBridge site and GoFundMe, or you can buy the album and know that the money is going to help her out. Thanks for reading! And if all goes well, you'll have some more new music from me not too long from now.


Take a chisel to this rock

Take a chisel to this rock

You will find a face inside

You will find the face it hides



You will tell the tales of old

You will let the people know

You will show what they forgot

You will see what they do not



You will carve the weight away

Bring what's hidden into day

Call a witness, call a crowd

Make the beauty speak aloud



Take a chisel to this rock

Take a chisel to this rock

You will find a face inside

You will find the face you hide



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