COVID CARE FUND/MERCY VINEYARD - A great place to donate to help out folks struggling due to COVID-19 impact.
EMOTIONAL CARE FOR KIDS - My friend Keely Mosely from Ireland has the loveliest page on Facebook called Shepherding Lambs Counselling and Training Service. Her posts are insightful and she does offer free trainings on that page from time to time, and counseling appointments can also be booked there (although she is in Ireland so I imagine there would be a time difference to navigate if you are in the U.S.)
FOOD in NE Mpls - Food shelves and meals
COVID CARE FUND - My church - Mercy Vineyard in NE Minneapolis - has funded a COVID Care Fund that we use to help members of our community. As an update - recently this fund has narrowed its focus to assist members of Mercy Vineyard (more specifically) as opposed to the community at large (earlier in the pandemic, I had been able to submit requests for friends in tough situations who did not attend or even affiliate with a faith community, and have those requests approved), with a goal to also increase ability to help those folks have some longer term support where needed.